Final quote from our dinner speaker

From Toxic Charity: “the poor, no matter how destitute, have enormous untapped capacity; find it, be inspired by it, and build upon it.” Seats are filling fast to meet the author, Bob Lupton, in Greenfield on February 11. Get your place reserved here.

Respite for Caregivers

New Palestine Bible Church is hosting another respite event for parents/caregivers of children with special needs and their siblings. King’s Table ministry will be providing fun activities and sensory experiences for children affected by disability and their siblings so that parents/caregivers can relax and recharge on Saturday, February 18th from Read more…

Furniture Appliance need

Our warehouse has been depleted in several areas and we have built up a waiting list for several items. Please call (317) 468-6300 if you have any of the following that you might be able to donate for a neighbor in need. We will pick up. Any bed frame – Read more…

Charity Detox

The subtitle of Toxic Charity is “How churches and charities hurt those they help” AND “(And How to Reverse It). There is another entire book on solutions. Some of those better ways are introduced in Toxic Charity and I will share a few. But first: “Lupton says hard things that Read more…