Love INC is:

  • Strategy to help churches come together to help their neighbors in need
  • Partnership of local churches, that links Christian volunteers and ministries to people in need
  • Movement of Christian churches working together to show God’s Love to those in need
  • Model for implementing Christ-like relational ministries that transforms lives – both those being served and those who serve
  • Method for mobilizing local church congregations to live out the two great commandments of loving God and loving their neighbor
  • Network of affiliates supporting and encouraging each other
  • Collaboration between local churches and their community (agencies, ministries, government, schools) to provide effective help for the disadvantaged
  • Vehicle that helps churches, collectively and individually, fulfill their biblical mandate to reach out to their community

How We Connect Churches and Community

Love INC of Greater Hancock County serves Hancock County churches.

Love INC serves the church – the church serves those with needs.

Love INC, through church volunteers, serves anyone with a manageable need in their service area.

In 2023 Love INC Stats Include

Calls received and processed
Adult Needs Met
Children’s Needs Met
Number of Households Served
Needs met by Churches and Volunteers
Needs met by Community Partners
Volunteer Hours (estimated)

And We Keep on Going

For a look at Love INC of GHC’s 2023 Impact Report, see below: