
These messages are the result of a lifelong journey, a journey with countless twists and turns.  The destination has changed several times, numerous refueling stops were required, and there have been so many guides along the way that it would be impossible to thank them all.  First, I am grateful for God’s leadership and prodding.  I trust this destination we have reached will serve Him and will help others to begin or continue their own journey.

The beginning of my journey was most directed by my dad, Clyde Peters, and my grandmother, Ida Peters, both of whom were faithful examples of humble servants.  I really did learn from them even if my life has shown few signs of that humility.  The next leg of my flight (the teenage years) was piloted by the Hubler’s.  Rev. Ken Hubler was the minister of our family church in Iowa and Alice, his wife, was our youth group leader.  Both were also good friends.  My companions on the current path, my family and the “family” we have grown to love in Greenfield, Indiana, have stayed by me despite the many detours and obstacles.  They were great encouragement and, without them, we would not have reached this place.