First, yes, there are families (and children) that are homeless in Hancock County. They may not be as evident to you as you go about your daily routine as they are in metropolitan areas, but they are still here. And they are our neighbors.

Even though it is strangely warm for an Indiana December, we can be assured that cold weather is coming. And when it is 10 below zero with the wind chill it is dangerous to be sleeping under a park bench. The community is in dire need of a space where these neighbors can go to stay safe overnight when other gathering places are closed. That is NEED # 1.

Second, to properly manage this type of shelter or a shelter for times of natural disaster, there needs to be a trained shelter manager present. Training is available through both the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army at various times.  If we could get enough interested parties we could potentially get that training brought to Hancock County. That is NEED # 2.

Many of these folks are working or need to get to other appointments but have no transportation. That is NEED # 3. There are two possible ways to help with this need. You can put your name on a list of on-call volunteers at the Love INC (#loveincghc) office and we may call when anyone needs a ride to a job interview, a doctors visit or for another appointment. You could also get that bicycle out that you haven’t ridden for years and donate it to God’s Open Arms Ministry (Call Love INC at 468-6300 if you need a connection) and they will get it to a deserving neighbor.


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