Christmas Blessings

My itinerary yesterday: Assist with Salvation Army kettles as community generously responds to need Pick up H2O items donated by a community partner Receive check from individual partner to assist neighbor by paying utility bill Pick up gas cards for Love INC neighbors and diapers for Safe Families kiddos from Read more…

Banquet Speaker

Please mark the date (February 11, 2017) for the third annual Love Thy Neighbor banquet. We are pleased to have Robert Lupton as our speaker. Tickets available at Just click on the banner. Bob Lupton has invested the past 46 years of his life in inner-city Atlanta. In response Read more…

Black Friday

Shop Local Small Businesses First. But if you go to Amazon: Support us when you shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. #StartWithaSmile at and Amazon donates to Love Inc of Greater Hancock County.