Heart and Soul

The Love INC Clearinghouse is: The heartbeat of the Love INC Ministry Where the focus is on the person in need, not just their expressed need Working to connect the person in need to those serving them: churches, agencies and other resources Acting as the mechanism to mobilize the volunteer Read more…

Love INC is the Church

We exist as a resource to the churches in Hancock County and have grown over the last 10+ years due to the support we have gotten from our partner churches. At last count there are 109 churches in the county. We have strong partnership ties with 22 of those churches Read more…


Perspectives on Prayer from Daniel 9–10 Randy Alcorn 1. Position yourself for prayer by reading Scripture first. “In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy Read more…


Another of our core principles is RELATIONSHIP. Love INC is about building relationships with clients and treating them with dignity as creations of God, made in the image of God, and having value and worth to God. Our goal is not to just address a perceived need in a transactional Read more…

Christian ?

The first of the core principles guiding Love INC is that we are Christian. That seems straight forward enough, but it might be good to reflect for a bit on what that means. What came to my mind was the Emmaus song “They will know we are Christians by our Read more…


One of the Core Principles that guide Love INC is Prayer. We believe one of the most valuable Kingdom resources we have is prayer. Prayer is integral to who we are and permeates everything we do. Nothing should be initiated without praying first. All Love INC meetings should open with Read more…

Furniture Ministry needs

One of our gap ministries has some immediate needs: First, the storage space we are currently using is no longer able to be donated. Therefore we need to either find a new donated space(approx 1000 sq ft covered and secure) or raise additional funding to pay the discounted rental (approx Read more…